A Community Solution to the Housing Crisis

A Community Solution to the Housing Crisis

We used to build a lot of housing owned by nonprofits and co-operatives in Canada, but no more. We’re left with the age-old question “Who’s going to pay for it?”. Fortunately, we have a great answer – Community Bonds!

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Mutual Funds Are a Rip-Off

Mutual Funds Are a Rip-Off

With $2 trillion invested, Canadians love their mutual funds. They are the default option for most new investors, but I think they’re a rip-off. Do you know how much your mutual funds are costing you? Most Canadians don’t, and the answer is pretty shocking.

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How to Fire Your Bank

How to Fire Your Bank

This is a guide to firing your bank and joining a credit union. I’ve included the tips & tricks I’ve learned while helping clients make the shift with their chequing account.

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The Potluck Economy

The Potluck Economy

Imagine that instead of living in constant scarcity, we live in an economy of abundance. I see it happen all the time. All I need to do is invite people over for dinner!

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